MC-ruled career natal chart?

Can a natal chart be ruled by a specific planet, in career terms at the least?

Take a native with a Cancer Midheaven (MC).

S/he may be drawn to nurturing roles. So the Moon (our life emotional centre) will rule the energies of this chart. Just as in an overall natal reading, for instance, a Pisces Rising lends to Neptune influence.

A Cancer MC career charts mean that the Moon and Cancer’s traits (caring, developing, helping, uplifting, etc.) will influence the other aspects/placements.

In my experience, this is very important when determining career potentials.

I’d propose that an MC-career ruled chart can give strong value on the competences, skills and potentials of a person. It also reflects how an individual seeks “zenith” in life, as the MC is the zenith of a chart. It literally is the highest point of the sky, within the zodiac, when a person is born.

Bill Clinton was the 42nd President of the United States (1993-2001). He has a Cancer MC, perhaps denoting liberal/Democratic politics. Or maybe seeking out the general welfare.  It doesn’t necessarily mean one will enter a a “Cancerish” profession. Namely a doctor, nurse, therapist, or teacher. It does signify that “Cancerish” traits will shape how a person can shape natal potentials.

The natal chart then is a complex mix, often dictated by various influences, and with an overall theme to it.

Is astrology about fate?

It’s often stated that astrology is about fate. I disagree. Let me cite this analogy though. Take a person born in Neolithic times. S/he can grow primitive crops with his or her tribe or band, but is limited in this scenario. The crops may get a disease and not grow. Any animals captured or secured from nearby may still be wild in temperament and be dangerous. Wild boar, aurochs (ancestors of modern cattle), or wild horses may be difficult to tame. However, without having to forage food, there is the freedom to store grain, or paint, share stories, dance, or partake in spiritual/cultural pursuits. There is freedom to choose a mate, or choose who is the band leader. Similarly a natal chart does impel, though there is always choice. It’s how we make use of the choices in our environments, and the natal chart is no different. Astrology in my mind should be to empower, and not condemn or belittle.

What is career astrology? Does a natal chart lie?

Career astrology is a branch of astrology looking at the Midheaven (MC).  

The MC is the zenith of a chart, and designed to note the highest potential of a native.

As a rule of thumb, each MC sign lends to various potentials:

Aries – leadership

Taurus – leadership/command

Gemini – relationships/communication

Cancer – caring/protection

Leo – leadership

Virgo – administration/organisation

Libra – communications/interrelation

Scorpio – control/command

Sagittarius – Learning/faith/higher truth

Capricorn – administration/organisation

Aquarius – change/technology/new ideals

Pisces – help/benevolence/development

These are generalisations of course, though MC placements do greatly shape career potentials.

After this, the personal planets, aspects, and other points are noted.

So, does a natal chart lie?

In my experience, no.This isn’t hyperbolic, but I’d imagine every human alive has an accurate natal chart. This is in terms of career potentials, and personality traits. Some charts ‘scream out’ career placements. Take President Obama. He has a sixth house Sun/Mercury, Scorpio MC, and Pluto/Uranus in 7th house. Clearly then, work, duty, strong speech, changing relationships, and command/control are prominent in his professional and personal lives.

It’s interesting to note that the natal chart impels, but doesn’t compel. This isn’t a cliche, though energies can be used in differing ways. President Obama could well have been an academic, a CEO of a large firm, or some other form of thought leader or chief spokesperson of a body. However, his natal placements do…well impel him to these specific roles. In life, we may have various non-fixable circumstances, though choice always exists in these contexts. 🙂

What is the Jupiter transit? (Part 2 – per planet)

The Jupiter transit happens every twelve years, and brings expansion and munificence in life areas. What does this mean though, per house, and per planet?

If one has natal planets in Virgo, Jupiter will conjunct these within the next 12 months and provide some benefit in your life.

The Sun


Jupiter transiting the Sun means a strengthening of life purpose. The Sun is our personal centre, as the Sun is the centre of our Solar System. Jupiter conjuncting the Sun lends to a higher purpose, and an invigoration of direction.

The Moon


The Moon is our emotional centre, and with a Jupiter transit one can feel more grounded and at home. For careers, this may make one more grounded.



Jupiter conjunct Mercury lends to heightened perceptions and reasoning. Perhaps new business ideas, or new means to get money or new clients.



A new for new clients, or associates/employees, could arise here. Or this could be improved working relationships, or between employees and supervisors.



A new life direction, or means to step up pursuit of a goal. This could be monetary, or other ways to enhance the team.



Jupiter can conjunct the natal Jupiter, in a natal chart. This can mean a direction of goals, or invigoration in completing goals already specified.



With Saturn, knuckling down on a task creates a greater focus on hard work. There is a strong correlation between goals, accomplishment, and duty.



A change in corporate direction, career direction, or new product ideas can result here.



New insights, or attitudes can develop regards working, or how to channel our work to suit various needs.



This has potential for both good or bad, though transformation is pertinent here. It could mean a change in job, or a change for the better in work direction. It could also mean relocation, new products, and new scope in clients.

What is the Jupiter transit?


Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar system.

It’s a gas giant, with a mass far exceeding the Earth.

It’s named after the Roman god with the same name, the chief deity in the Roman pantheon.

Jupiter astrologically denotes luck, good fortune, expansion and growth.

Any planet it touches lends to growth, fulfilment and expansion.

Currently, Jupiter is in Virgo, and will be there for several months to come.

The effects depend on one’s natal aspects and related points, however Jupiter’s cycle over 12 years can help career growth tremendously.

In these 12 years, the planet travels around the natal chart, bringing various influences to a person.

When it reaches it’s natal position, this can bring specific benefits.

This can be in career terms, of course, though also in:

  • family
  • marriage
  • money

The effect of this also depends on the house, and natal aspects, though this will be expanded in further posts. 🙂